Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero pulsanda tellus



Saturday, August 2, 2025
Location: Lincoln Park
1450 High Street, Alameda
(Near the Rose Garden)

Suggested Set-Up Time: 10:00 am (or earlier for the best picnic spots)
Picnic Luncheon begins: 11:00 am
Formal Dancing: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Admission: Free! (Your donations to the band are welcome!)

Pack a picnic basket, don your most fetching hat, and join us for an elegant Edwardian picnic among the roses in Old Alameda, followed by a vintage dance with live music by the celebrated Greenwich Mean Time band.

Late Victorian or Edwardian costume is admired but not required. As the August weather in Alameda can be very changeable, we recommend hats, shawls and parasols.

The event is not a general potluck. Please bring your OWN picnic lunch. As there are only a couple of picnic tables in the Rose Garden side of the park guests may want to bring blankets to sit on or even chairs and tables. Period-looking picnic furniture and accoutrements are very welcome and add ambience to the event!

In the afternoon between 1 and 4 pm, our celebrated historical dance band, Greenwich Mean Time, will play a variety of popular vintage ballroom dance music, ranging from beautiful waltzes and polkas to the latest Ragtime music (one-steps, two-steps, and the Castle Schottische) and the new tango from Argentina.

The event is absolutely free - our way of thanking our loyal supporters and of welcoming newcomers - but cash tips to our wonderful and very hard-working band are very much appreciated!


To make an advance donation to the band, simply click on the PayPal icon:



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