Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero pulsanda tellus


A Science Fiction/Fantasy Costume Ball



Alameda Elks Lodge
2255 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda
Doors Open: 6:30 p.m.

Dance Lesson: 7:00 p.m.
Dancing Begins: 8:00 p.m.

Tickets: $30 Early Bird Rate (Until May 24)  
Tickets are $35 from May 25 to June 6

Ticket sales end on June 6
Tickets sold in advance only. Tickets will not be available at the door.


Tickets may be ordered by sending a check or money order to:

PO Box 2321
Alameda, CA 94501


You may also purchase tickets using the PayPal system. The PayPal link is above.

Tickets will be sent to you via email when we receive payment. No tickets will be sold at the door.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there was a grand ball…

Senator Mon Mothma requests the pleasure of your company at the social event of the Season. Join us for a splendid science fiction/fantasy ball inspired by the Star Wars universe, with music by the amazing Avalon Rising. Our venue is the Grand Ballroom and Salon of the historic Alameda Elks Lodge, a historic building perfect for a fantasy ball that will make you feel like you’re in a grand ballroom in the grand metropolis of downtown Coruscant!

Costumes inspired by the “Star Wars” universe - cinematic, television, or literary- are very welcome. Indeed, Science Fiction or Fantasy Costumes from any universe - past, present, or future - are welcome: whether you are Warring among the Stars or Trekking among them; whether you are a Time Lord, a Space Cowboy, a member of the Serenity crew, or a Guardian of the Galaxy, you are welcome! Steampunk attire, or vintage or modern evening dress is also appropriate – as long as you can dance in it.

And the dance music will indeed be out of this world! After the 7pm vintage ballroom dance lesson, the celebrated Renaissance Rock band Avalon Rising plays an evening of vintage ballroom dance music, Celtic and Celtic fusion rock, highly danceable science fiction and fantasy-inspired songs, and more! No partners needed for either the dance lesson or the ball itself. and all set dances will be taught and called.

Senator Mon Mothma’s staff will be serving a light snack buffet, and our usual excellent No Host bar will be available for most of the evening.

And May the Force Be with You!


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